• Our Services2
  • Join the Rock Solid Rings community

    We are looking for collaborators who are keen to build a long term relationship as our Rock Solid business grows from strength to strength. We are an open minded, forward looking company and we look forward to working with you and assisting you in any way we can.

    Apply now
    We offer the following solutions...

    Affiliate commissions. Earn money every time you make a sale. We can provide you with media and content, if required.

    Gifting. We'll send you one of our gorgeous rings for you to keep and use in your collaborations.

    Prizes. Looking to run a competition and need an exciting prize to attract entries? Get in touch and and we would be happy to assist.

    Discount Codes. Want to run a promotion and need your own unique discounts? We can create this for you.

    Anything else. Have an idea for a collaboration? We'd love to hear it !

    Apply today and play your part in the Rock Solid Story!